As a Rice employee (past or present), you are one of the university’s greatest advocates, actively promoting our values, supporting our mission and making Rice a force for good in the world. Through the “For Rice. By Rice.” initiative, you can play an even larger role in the life of the university. We invite you to learn more about Development and Alumni Relations and discover how, with other faculty and staff members, you can help ensure Rice continues to be one of the top places to both study and work.

Faculty & Staff Support by the Numbers

In fiscal year 2023, 918 Rice faculty, staff and retirees (a 23% participation rate) joined together to contribute more than $2.1 million to Rice University.

Gifts from faculty and staff members.

Gifts from retirees.

Total dollar amount contributed to other areas of the university.

Gifts designated to other areas of the university.

Gifts made to the Rice Fund.

Total dollar amount contributed to the Rice Fund.

Why Does My Gift Matter?

How does my gift make a difference?

The more people who choose to give, the greater the collective impact will be. In Rice’s 2022 fiscal year, over 10,000 donors made gifts of $250 or less to the Rice Annual Fund, which contributed more than $809,000 in support.

I work at Rice; why should I also give money to the university?

Gifts to Rice have a powerful effect on the university’s ability to remain a top tier institution. It is hard to ask the community to support Rice if we don’t believe in our work enough to invest in it ourselves. Corporations and foundations look for high levels of support from our faculty and staff when making funding decisions, as well.

Please note: Rice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all gifts are tax-deductible.

Rice’s endowment is so large. Why should I give?

Rice is fortunate to have a large endowment, but endowment earnings cover less than half of the university’s annual operating budget. To provide the highest quality education for current students, while ensuring the long-term stability of the university, Rice must utilize only a portion of the endowment’s value each year rather than spending it down over time. So while the endowment does a lot of the heavy lifting, the philanthropic support of alumni, employees and friends continues to play a significant role in maintaining Rice’s excellence.

Students pay tuition. Why does Rice need charitable support?

It may be surprising, but tuition covers less than half of the actual cost of a Rice education. Rice’s endowment and gifts to the university help cover much of the remaining cost. You might think of donations as silent scholarships provided by generations of Rice alumni, parents and friends, and even those who pay full tuition have benefited.

I donate during the United Way campaign. Is this counted in the Faculty/Staff campaign totals?

The United Way campaign supports nonprofits in the Houston community. Gifts made during the United Way campaign are not included in the “For Rice. By Rice.” totals.

Ways to Give


You may make your gift through our online giving form.

Payroll deduction

Give conveniently through on-going payroll deductions by signing up here. Please email payroll@rice.edu if you have any questions or need assistance.


Contact the Rice Fund at 713-348-4991 or giving@rice.edu.

To discuss future gifts to Rice of your retirement plan assets, life insurance or gifts through your will or revocable trust, contact the Office of Gift Planning at 713-348-4624 or learn more here.

Additional Faculty & Staff Resources

Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations

The OCFR team manages all corporate and foundation partnerships on behalf of Rice University. Learn how your work can be enhanced by collaborations with off-campus partners.

Academic Schools and Initiatives

Each academic school, institute and program has a liaison or dedicated fundraiser who is committed to funding the strategic priorities of our campus leaders.

Engaging our Alumni Community

The university’s Alumni Relations staff seeks to build mutually beneficial relationships between Rice and its alumni. Learn how you can utilize the alumni community to better your work.

Giving to Rice

Development & Alumni Relations
P.O. BOX 1892
Houston, Texas 77251-1892

Phone: 713-348-4991
Email: giving@rice.edu


Thank you for your support!

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